News from 3rdLand _ Week of November 7

Our House Is on Fire: Greta Thunberg's Call to Save the Planet: Winter,  Jeanette, Winter, Jeanette: 9781534467781: Books

Monday, November 7:  We worked on a lot of Social Studies today.  In the morning, we revisited the United Nations web page and learned about organizations within the UN that have won the Nobel Peace Prize.  We wrote a reflection about what we’ve learned about the UN and listened to a song called Wavin’ Flag. This song was featured at the World Cup and the artist also sang his song at the United Nations General Assembly.  Wavin’ Flag became an instant hit with the 3rdLanders.  In the afternoon, we worked on some math problem solving.  Then our University Teachers taught a lesson about citizenship.  Last week, they taught about physical landforms and the 3rdLanders created maps of their own country, which included a legend and a range of different landforms.

Wednesday, November 8:  Our Math calendar this month features fractions.  We will make observations about equivalent fractions and equations that include fractions as we use the November calendar.  We also worked on using a multiplication chart to find answers to multiplication problems.  During Reading Workshop, we read a TFK article called Miracle Trees.  The article tells about the mangrove forests in Karachi, Pakistan and why people are working to protect them. Our IU teachers taught about different aspects of CULTURE.  After discussing elements of culture, the 3rdLanders researched the topic, using books from EPIC.  We ended the day by bringing our writer’s notebooks outside to the shelter house.  It was warm and sunny, so we enjoyed an extra recess after our writing time.

Thursday:  More work on multiplication during Math time.  We read and discussed Our House Is on Fire, a picture book about Greta Thunberg and the climate change movement. During Writing Workshop, we created zines about mangrove trees and ideas from the TFK article.  Zines (zeens) are small publications that can be about any topic.  Our zines included facts about mangroves and opinion statements about the issues presented in TFK.  Some friends of Dr. H, university professors, visited our classroom while we made our zines.  They were very impressed with 3rdlander independence and creativity.

Friday:  The 3rdlanders did a great job with the Veteran’s Day program in the morning.  After the program, we had math groups, rotating through a math game, FRECKLE math on the iPAD, and teacher table, where we worked on multiplication problems together. We are finishing up our informational bookmarks about the UN.  Dr. Frye agreed to let us share bookmarks with kids who check out books in the library.  In the afternoon, we visited the library and had another round of Reader’s Workshop.  This week was certainly busy.  And lots of fun too.

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