6 thoughts on “Voices From the Fields Podcast

  1. Hi there! I just listened to your last two podcasts. It was so interesting to hear your thinking about Frederick Douglass and his experiences from so many years ago, then to hear what you were thinking after reading Voices From the Fields. You are reading so many awesome books, with much to think and talk about. Keep podcasting!

  2. This is from KC in Minnesota:

    Hi, 306ers. I have listened to all of your podcasts, and I have enjoyed them all. This time, the podcast really made me want to read the book. I have read another book about a kid who worked in the fields, and I remember having a lot of the same thoughts and feelings you recorded.

    I am looking forward to the next installment!


  3. This is your best one yet! Congratulations!
    Your comments about children working in the fields instead of going to school, and the use of pesticides, show that you are becoming socially aware.
    You exhibited empathy for the book’s main character, and were able to personalize the story by talking about the work you do at home, and how you help your family.
    I loved that you used different genre, such as poetry, and I was happy to be reminded to “read the book.”
    Keep up the good work.

  4. Dear Room 306,

    Thanks for sharing the connections you have with Jose and also the concerns you have. I am wondering how I can help a child like Jose who has to work so he can go to school . . . . do you have any ideas?

  5. Wow! After listening to your podcast, I definitely want to read this book. It seems as though you have a deep understanding of the children working in the fields and it’s impact on education. I’m curious to what other kind of labor children are asked to do that might prevent them from going to school. Also- you all made great connections to the book with your life and really used your background knowledge to have a better understanding. It was great to hear about those of you who have also worked in the field. This podcast brought back memories for me when I used to help my dad pick berries every time we visited my grandma. It was hard work but it was also rewarding and fun. I knew grandmama would have jam for the entire winter because of our work. I also found it as a way to bond with my dad. We loved it!

  6. We think what you said on your podcast is so important and that you speak for the migrant workers by doing podcasts after reading Voices from the Fields. Hannah wrote in her writer’s notebook an idea for writing a letter to Claudia Garcia Moreno who wrote the poem Mis Amigos in the book, telling her how beautiful her words are and wondering how it feels to be her. We recommend the book Amelia’s Road to go along with Voices from the Fields. We are reading Mis Padres right now. Keep up the good work.

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