Week of April 5


Monday:  We started off the day with the second round of our Apple Market Simulation.  Then we read about SUPPLY and DEMAND in a Social Studies book.  We applied the ideas from our market by making comic strips where a PRICE SETTING HERO comes in to save the day.  These turned out to be quite fun.  We learned about the word PRECARIOUS.  We also worked on the Unit 6 Math test.

Tuesday:  Today was PICTURE DAY, which for some reason, made everyone extremely excited.  I guess it’s nice to see our friends looking a little dressier than usual.  We had a fun time writing “thought shots” about receiving a surprise gift of a rock.  We began our new literature circle book, SHREDDERMAN!  We also read more about Iqbal Masih and the carpet making kids of Pakistan.  We learned about the GOOD WEAVE label and how choices we make as consumers can make a difference in the world. We ended the day with some two step math problems. We were busy today!

Wednesday:  More work on our SUPPLY and DEMAND activities today.  We discussed various pricing scenarios and then wrote a reflection piece on why SUPPLY and DEMAND are important concepts.  We worked on solving some 2 step problems in Math.  We also learned more about Child Labor and the International Rights of the Child document drafted by the U.N. in 1959.  Ms. Bayles-Hall taught us about some Tibetan music and we watched a video of some Lotus artists from Tibet.

Thursday:  We worked on punctuating dialogue this morning and then worked on our independent writing projects.  As part of our Costly Choices unit, we had a TAG scavenger hunt and found out that our shirts have come to us from many different countries.  We’ll map the countries tomorrow. For Reading Workshop, we talked more about the themes and messages in the fables we read.  We also practiced our Vocab Ventures word, PRECARIOUS.  We ended the day with some problem solving in our math books.  We packed a lot in, including a slightly drizzly extra recess!

Friday:  Today was all about the TINY HOUSES!  We looked at families featured in the Material World photo book.  All the photos in the book show families with ALL their possessions outside in front of their homes.  We used world maps to locate the countries where the families lived.  Then we worked with partners to read an infographic about STUFFOCATION.  We recorded important facts about how much stuff the average American family owns.  Then we read about the Tiny House movement.  At last we began making our tiny houses out of shoeboxes and cardboard.  Our house making workshop was a sight to behold.  A fun day!

2 thoughts on “Week of April 5

  1. Best friends. It is a good book. It’s about a girl that has problems with her friends. She is going to 6th grade and she thinks there are rules in each graide. I give it a 5!

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